
Technologies at Colonel Light Gardens (CLG) Primary School is taught to all students from Reception to Year 6. It incorporates Design and Digital Technologies with the curriculum being covered over a 2-year cycle.

Students will develop important life skills as they work collaboratively and individually to progress through the design thinking process to produce solutions for problems and understand how to transfer their knowledge and skills to new situations.

All students have access to age-appropriate robotics equipment where they enjoy learning about building, programming, and coding while developing their computational thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

  • Bee Bots teach our youngest students about directions, counting, sequencing and planning.
  • Lego We Do Robotics enhances curiosity and science skills with the introduction of motors and sensors in their programming and solutions.
  • Lego Spike Prime and Mindstorm EV3 are used with upper primary students to build and program robots to complete complex tasks.
  • Scratch Jnr and Scratch programs are incorporated through all year levels to teach students coding skills while creating digital stories, games and animations.
  • Micro: bit pocket-sized computers introduce students to how software and hardware work together and are utilised for a variety of mini programming projects.

Robotics Club is available for year five and six students who have the opportunity to participate in the Australia-wide annual Robocup Competition.

Technologies at CLG helps students to become innovative creators of digital and non-digital solutions, effective users of digital systems, and critical consumers of information conveyed by digital systems.


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