After Hours Sports

A Message from the After Hours Sports Co-Ordinator

We all want our children to enjoy and benefit from their school experience and for many children, participating in sport is an important part of that experience.

Student involvement in sport helps them to develop sporting skills, self esteem, fitness and friendship.

Colonel Light Gardens Primary School strives to provide a range of activities for students to participate in and relies on volunteers from the school community, the general community and sporting clubs and associations to assist with organising our After Hours Sport program.

Many people each year accept the wide ranging responsibilities which go along with managing, coaching, scoring and speculating at games and practices. Without the commitment and dedication of these people our children would not be able to enjoy their sporting activities.

The National Junior Sports Policy states that participation in competitive sports commence when children are in their eighth year.

We firmly believe our children will benefit greatly from a comprehensive understanding of the rules, expectations and requirements of playing sport at primary school.

Above all, this will lead to a greater enjoyment of sport by everyone involved and a strengthening and development of our school’s community.


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